Friday, November 22, 2013

The Winter Evergreen Container Workshop - Creative And Fun!

Recently we held a winter evergreen container decorating workshop in our Party Room here at Lexington Heights Apartments. The turnout was wonderful and it was such a fun evening. We would like to thank each and every one of you that made the effort to come out to the class.

Participants were provided with a patio garden tub filled with sand and a fun assortment of evergreens and other decorations. Jeremiah, our workshop instructor, shared with the class some tips for designing and decorating the evergreen displays. We were so impressed with the beautiful arrangements that everyone came up with!

Plus, we love seeing your winter evergreen containers around the community. You are helping make Lexington Heights festive through this winter season.

Lexington Heights Evergreen Container Class November 21, 2013

Here's some photos from the evening, enjoy!

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