Friday, March 8, 2013

Extreme Makeover - Lexington Heights Edition

You've likely noticed some rather dramatic changes to the common spaces in your building. We are renovating the entrances and hallways at Lexington Heights. The 2330 building's transformation is already complete, and the 2300 and 2370 buildings are up next. 

We're updating each building with newly painted walls, new light fixtures, carpeting, exit signs, wallpaper, signage, and more. Heck, we're even getting new grocery carts! The Condor staff and a painting contractor have been working very hard on these updates. Check out the photos to see some of the fantastic handiwork  by Evan, Brent, and Ryan. We're excited about the new look! 

Brent's ripping out the old carpeting.

New carpet!

A completed space in the 2300 building.

We're updating apartment signs...

... and hallway lights.

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