Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sign Up For The Winter Evergreen Container Workshop

Next Thursday we are having a fun workshop on how to transform your garden containers into decorative holiday evergreen displays. Meet your neighbors, have fun, and be creative! You will learn tips for decorating your holiday patio pots during this hands-on workshop. We will provide all the materials you will need, plus you get to take home the patio pot you decorate.

Time and Place

Lexington Heights Party Room
Thursday, November 21
7:00 to 7:45 p.m.

Sign Up

Contact the office at (651) 452-8826, or register on our Facebook event.

Cost: $15.00

Please make checks payable to Lexington Heights Apartments. We are excited to offer this workshop and to defray some of the cost of materials so that you can go home with a beautiful pot that you have decorated.

Safety Tip

Never place cigarette stubs in a flower pot containing potting soil or evergreens... it could catch fire!

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