Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Whew, It's Hot Out! Here's Some Tips For Keeping Your Apartment Cool.

What hot couple of days we've had! The air conditioners are working hard to keep each of our apartment homes cool, but there are a few things you can do to help your AC do its job better. We recently talked with Shawn, our maintenance supervisor, and he shared these tips for keeping your home cool:
  • Run your ceiling fan or a floor fan to keep the air circulating. Fans are the cheapest way to keep an apartment cool. 
  • Clean the filter for your air conditioner at least once a month with warm soapy water.
  • Keep your home closed up during the day and turn off the lights. Close all the blinds and curtains to limit sunlight coming; sunlight will heat up your home quickly. Making sure your apartment is sealed up will help keep out the midday heat.
  • Do not block the vents or place lamps or televisions near your air conditioner’s thermostat. The thermostat senses heat from those appliances, which can cause the air conditions to run longer than necessary.
  • When the humidity is high, you’ll be more comfortable with the air conditioner's fan on high and dial the thermostat to a lower setting to prevent coils from freezing. 
  • Limit your use of the stove. Using your stove can make your home extremely warm. Consider using the outdoor grills around Lexington Heights. 
  • After following these tips, if you notice that your air conditioner is not working properly, please call the office at 651-452-8826.

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