Friday, January 4, 2013

Who Will Win Vikings-Packer Playoff Game Tomorrow?

Are you a Vikings fan or Packer fan? Tell us who you are cheering for on Saturday, January 5. The Vikings are at a 10-6 win-loss ratio. The Packers win-loss ratio is 11-5. Will Adrian Peterson run the Vikings to a victory? Or will the Packers defense shut him out? It's exciting to see these two teams with a long history of rivalry compete in the first round of the playoffs.

Plus, closer to home there's a lot riding on this game: Sara, Lexington Heights' Community Manager, and Patty, our Assistant Manager, are cheering for opposing teams. Sara's a big fan of Green Bay and Patty is a loyal Vikings backer. Rumor has it that they've placed a friendly wager on the game and one of them will be buying lunch for the other if their team loses!

Let us know in the comments section or on Facebook who you are cheering for in tomorrow's game!

Patty and her husband Steve and son Alex are all cheering for the Vikings tomorrow!

Sara and her husband Jason will be enthusiastically cheering  for the Packers tomorrow!

What's this? Sara's son, Shafer, is a Vikings fan! Oh man, this could get awkward!

Olivia, Sara's daughter, stays true to all her parents taught her as a Packer fan!

Uh-oh, even the garden gnomes are Packer fans, what hope do the Vikings have now?

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