Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reminders for the First Snow

Snow has finally arrived at Lexington Heights! The snowplow crews need your help to clear the lots quickly and safely. Under normal snowfall conditions, the lots will be plowed whenever we get more than 2" of snow. The crews will clear the entrances and driveways around 6:30 a.m. and then return between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to clear the rest of the lot. It is imperative that cars be moved between those hours so that the snow can be removed from the stalls where they were parked. All vehicles must be moved daily. Vehicles that are not moved daily are subject to towing at their owner's expense.

If you have overnight guests, please inform them of these snow removal procedures. Also, if you plan to be out of town or are unable to move your car for some reason, please call the Rental Office and make arrangements to drop off keys so someone can move it for you. The caretakers salt and sand the sidewalks and steps whenever they are icy. Please be careful on steps, sidewalks and in parking lots, so we can all stay safe this winter!

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